Green is very popular color for website designing. It’s popularity stands just next to blue (check out blue designs for inspiration here). Being the nature’s color it is very pleasing to the senses. Researchers have also concluded that green color improves the readability. That can be counted as the reason why web designers are including green color either as backdrop or for supporting minimalist white design or further more for enhancing the overall look and feel of the design. Here are 25 soothing, relaxing and refreshing green website designs as an inspiration for your next project.
- 3 Sided Cube
- Beaverlab
- We Are Pandr
- Burncard Clothing
- Dj School
- Emotions Live
- Frexy
- Greenwoodscc
- Kolyba Zashkiv
- Le Moulin De Souvage
- Lipton Green Mint
- Lisabun
- Manna Food Bank
- Netlife Research
- Position
- Practical
- Provarplants
- Savethetrees
- Sgdoeschwitz
- Sleepydog
- Smorge
- Smultronlab
- Bellette
- Sofitelbrisbane
- Bitsandpix