WordPress Quick Tip — How To Quickly Create & Manage Tabs On Your WordPress Weblog

Among several navigation techniques, tab-based navigation is a good consideration for sleek and elegant web layout. Specially when you have limited screen real estate, tabbed navigation comes in handy for toggling between several items within limited space.

There are a number of jQuery plugins and CSS techniques for creating tab navigation solutions. And here we also have some specific WordPress plugins which allow you to easily and quickly create and manage tabs.

Quick Tabs is one such plugin which provides an intutive interface for creating, managing and readily inserting tabs in page / post content. The plugin generates the shortcode and also provides Tiny-mce button for inserting tabs inside post/page content.

When you install the plugin, it provides a navigation link in the left pane of the dashboard for easy accessibility. You can instantly create new tabs, manage the tabs and group the tabs from here itself. It was great fun working with this plugin. So, next time you have some client requirement for creating tabbed pages, don’t forget to try Quick Tabs. Get more information here.

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